Thank you. How much this sort of behavious has been replicated elsewhere I wonder, but we have three young female doctors who should be utterly ashamed of themselves. They are not fit to be doctors let alone anything else quite frankly. They are complicit in murder and grievous bodily harm.

As the the legislators they are despicable too so I suppose we can say the doctors testimony exposed the corrupt stupidity.

As regards 'Eli Lilly and Company', its full name, it anagrams to this only 2 word phrase:

plainly demonically

Not good English, but highly suitable.

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(1) I know a lot of doctors and I have never heard a single one mention VAERS. Except the tiny few who woke up during covid. I doubt Dr. Rouse knows anything about it or how to check it. What she likely does know is misleading information fed to her by ACOG and others like ACOG.

It's also likely she was parroting information she'd heard, or assumed, from CDC, ACOG, and the like. I mean, it should be reasonable to assume that a new product has been thoroughly tested before being recommended by the professional orgs. Sort of like the assumption most of us used to have that new vaccines were tested against inert placebos because that's the actual definition and reasonable expectation for a placebo.

(2) state lawmakers also have no knowledge of VAERS. Well, they likely didn't then and most probably still don't understand it adequately. They SHOULD have had enough sense to ASK QUESTIONS like the rest of us as to how well a new, novel product was tested and especially because pregnancy lasts nine months and the jab had barely been on the market for a year and EVERYONE KNOWS you don't give new drugs to pregnant women.

Knowledge of VAERS should not have even been necessary although it would have been nice.

These folks need to be held accountable. They could begin making amends by scrapping ALL vaccine mandates statewide and returning freedom of choice to the people.

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