Rock on Elon! Don't let us down now we're trusting your motives!

LIABILITY’ for 'injuries & DEATHS' caused by Covid Vax.

Without LIABILITY Pfizer & others are using this ridiculous 'concession' as a 'LICENCE to Kill'.

This sensible discipline must be reintroduced for Vax makers then they will have to stop the mayhem and pay massive compensation = Hopefully resulting in LIQUIDATION!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I read the small print that Pfizer chose to remove.

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Says the CCP Operative- NO THANKS!, SELL OUT!!!

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But no Alex Jones, god forbid!

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One more reason to be thankful today. May it be followed by a flood of people posting links to the new documentary, "Died Suddenly" now available on Rumble for free viewing.

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Elon Musk. Promise made, promise kept.

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Fantastic. Thank you for reporting on this, Margaret!

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You are most welcome. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

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