See David Martin's important view of it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/SJAcIDoXYLDs/

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

So, we've moved on from the Pfizer bad to the China bad part of the narrative. We'll have to see if this sticks. Those 17 intelligence agencies aren't very intelligent, are they? We know SARS2 came from a lab. We know it isn't natural. We know the Chinese were involved. We've known from the beginning.

When Bret Baier (and Tucker Carlson) address the role of the DoD, Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance as well as the rest of the global cabal, I'll take notice.

Until then, this is just laser-pointer distraction, perhaps a release valve because the information is getting out. Why did the Energy Dept leak this bombshell assessment? Why did Wray go on Special Report? What are they trying to distract us from?

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In my view, this is starting to cast doubt on the “Chinese origin” story altogether. One thing for certain, Wray’s announcement has nothing whatsoever to do with whether the “virus” *actually* came from a lab in China and everything to do with some other political agenda. What new information led him to this conclusion? China’s decision to throw in with Russia?

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Meh. It's deep state's pivot to hate China for Moar War. Losing Ukr to Russia, so time to distract & give China wing of the Uniparty their turn to destroy America by bashing us against immovable object.

Furin cleavage site, HIV protein, Moderna patented gene sequence...we already have proof of lab creation.

Maybe it came from Wuhan. Maybe it came from one of the 46 bioweapon labs in Ukr. Or one of the hundreds of bioweapon labs our deep state satanic genocidal maniacs have set up in hapless, helpless vassal states around the world. 🤷

And it wasn't a "lab leak". It was was a sneak attack on humanity. See videos of Fauci et al discussing it months in advance. Also Johns Hopkins pandemic tabletop exercise, also months in advance. Not the monkeypox exercise that preceded the monkeypox outbreak. The one before that.

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I find this 3rd to final paragraph most illuminating “Notably, the DNI said in its August 2021 report that the virus was not developed as a bioweapon and assessed that Chinese officials did not know about the virus before the first cases of Covid-19 appeared in China in November of 2019.”

How would China not “know” about its own bio engineering lab in Wuhan China? And how would a bio-weapons lab not make and leak a deadly novel coronavirus that isn’t a bio-weapon?

This would mean that all 17 agencies do not hold China responsible for the leak or that Covid-19 was meant to be deadly to humans. What does the 17 agency committee believe was happening in the Wuhan Lab? Would our elected representatives (aka our US government) be expected to write laws and loopholes to fund these bio weapon labs and expect hundreds of millions of Americans to accept no way to assure us this will not happen again? How will these so called findings, assure there is accountability between the agencies, policies & policy makers to protect human life? There is too much money (tax dollars you and I are giving back to the government without accountability) going to American DOD labs around the world for 17 agencies not to have a high level of certainty. The lack of certainty is either incompetence or a cover up of impropriety.

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Strange, isn't it, how all of a sudden

1) it is no longer racist to talk about the virus coming from China,

2) it is acceptable to claim that it came from a lab, and

3) it is acceptable even to say that it was leaked from that lab (implying malicious intent).

However, it is still apparently not acceptable to acknowledge the direct role that Dr Fowchi and Ralph Barik of EcoHealth etc had in creating this man-made virus with very definite bioweapon properties. (Yes, it was a bioweapon.)

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Not clear on the distinction between a bio-weapon and adding a "gain-of-function" to an existing virus. What is the purpose of engineering a virus to be more virulent?

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This intelligent agency of Reality knows with a high degree of certainty that the virus was developed using funds from Anthony Fauci and the NIH in direct violation of US laws and that it leaked from a lab in Wuhan China and as a result Millions of people died and millions more have been killed by a experimental drug and that there is evil in the highest levels of government all over the world.

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if no virus has ever been scientifically isolated- what is the significance of this?

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He's lying. I don't know what the game is, but Wray is a stooge who don't know squat.

This "lab leak" is a red herring. Wholesale murder is the issue.

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Well, here at The Department of Phil Davis, we knew from day one that it was a leak. Furthermore, we also believe it was deliberate.

Additionally, several other departments with various names were convinced about the same. But we never get to go on Fox News.

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They been known where it came from but had said in the beginning it started and speaded from Italy, not to blame China

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