...makes me wonder why they were mandating the killer shot for the military

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Seems a stretch. Much more likely that China and Iran were in on it, and all the WEFers wanted to suppress populism worldwide. We are their enemy. They approve of China, and like Iran’s contribution to chaos.

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As a chemist, I will get to the point. Covid-19 refers to a purported new disease. SARS-CoV-2 refers to a purported new virus. To be semantically correct, Covid-19 may be viewed as a **psychological** bioweapon. SARS-CoV-2 has never been proven to exist in physical reality. All science papers claiming its existence when examined in the methodology section prove to be either overtly fraudulent and/or pseudo-science. SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated despite the fact that exosomes, harmless particles similar to, if not identical to SARS-CoV-2, have been properly isolated and purified for years. When the FDA and CDC were asked to supply purified SARS-Cov-2 to qualified laboratories for research, they have always replied that they do not have any. All the succeeding claims regarding this “novel virus” are obvious fraud based on the fact that it has never been isolated and purified. This includes the Drosten rt-PCR **test**, cases, and variants (which I prefer to refer to as “deviants”) . It’s da flu, Bro. The real, physical bioweapon is the fake vaccine gene “therapy.” The psychological bioweapon, Covid-19, was to fill people with such fear and induce them to comply and accept the real bioweapon, the fake vaccines, the vaccine “passports,” and the lockdowns which have set in motion the destruction of the global economies.

The idea that SARS-CoV-2 is a real, gain of function virus, is a limited hangout (a CIA expression.) I do not claim that gain-of-function research on viruses has not existed. I do claim that there is no valid evidence that such a virus has been successfully released. It is a unicorn. As to conclusive evidence as to the real, physical bioweapon, I recommend that one read Ed Dowd’s book, “Cause Unknown."

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These artificially modified viruses might have got out of control of the regime that has been doing this BIO-WARFARE Research for decades. Fauci/Collins 'Gain of Function' come to mind! Maybe the inevitable Armageddon has been released = opening Pandora's box?

Unfortunately, millions read or listen to 'facts' and accept facts, rules & mandates without question. Before 2020, I might have a slight tendency to accept facts or mandates 'from above' - but I have to admit it's in my confrontational nature to question most 'rules', 'laws', 'terms and conditions', even some laws. Since 2020 I have learned to suspect everything the Establishment' tries to apply to my life. I can now proudly state I'm the antipathy of a Conspiracy Theorist!

At first (= March 2020) I believed medical people and Pharmacists were primarily interested in human health and wellbeing, but as the months of deceit, lies and mis-information from these people has made me suspicious about everything they say, do or propose.

I now even suspect the once trusted Doctors and Physicians as being part of the (WEF's) New World Order, either by fear, complacency or by intent. I need a Hip operation but I'm reluctant even to accept an injection for that purpose because I suspect the 'corrupt system' wants everybody injected with these specifically designed poisons that include non-medicinal materials that have proven to be activated by radio frequencies. Joining my dots suggests this might be another 'Control' facility to be used in times of public unrest. As will become a fact, due to the population revolting against deliberate food shortages, deliberately inflated food prices, unaffordable energy hikes, Lock-downs, MANDATED POISON INJECTIONS (called 'vaccines'), etc,.

Ain't you glad you considered the vax issue carefully before taking that giant leap of faith? I am!

It seems our mutual efforts along with millions of other 'sceptics', are finally starting to impact the WEF Establishment, and inevitably, their sinister New World Order takeover timetable. Keep on Keeping on!

LIABILITY for Vax Makers would end this deadly farce! It's just COMMON SENSE!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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If true, how would it be proved to an extent that it would be believable? China participated in the research. How could it possibly bring down the "ruling regime" of the un-United States? The "Vote?" How did that red-wave thing work out? Biological warfare has always been among the significant threats with the ideal being a bio-agent that could effect a targeted group and be controlled. The ideal bio-weapon may be possible with new technologies. Dissemination would be the next challenge - how to get it into the targeted population?

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Well, we certainly have evidence that the military was involved in creating this evil chimeric virus.

I suppose a couple of questions or observations:

1) this virus would have been far less deadly with effective early treatment and without lockdowns and masks. Lockdowns and masks have caused untold harms and deaths.

Of course I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you told me that the military had a hand in enforcing these measures.

2) the US has had, as I recall but perhaps I am wrong, the highest per capita death rate from this evil virus. So it seems like a war on all of us, if it is also a war on China and Iran.

It was my recognition that our government had accepted and caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of citizens through denial of early treatment and enforcement of harmful protocols that caused me to realize that if they were willing to kill THAT many of us for their own purposes, then killing a few thousand in other national tragedies or wars would be but small potatoes, so maybe the “conspiracy nuts” weren’t so nuts after all about some of those events.

I am not disputing necessarily that this was not also biowarfare against China and Iran. But if it was that, then most certainly it also has been warfare against all of us as well.

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California tech entrepreneur and free-wheeling intellectual Ron Unz says if revealed to be true, it could bring down the 'ruling regime' in the United States


I say bring it down. More like it was created to kill it's very own citizens.

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I've known it was a bioweapon from the moment I learned of the Wuhan lab. I've suspected it was a US attack on China from the moment I learned of Baric's work & Fauci's transfer of the tech & samples to China.

But I'd forgotten about the deaths among Iran's leadership. Makes sense. I'd feared Clinton would start a war with Iran if she got into the wh. Looks like they pulled it off anyway.

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I don’t only think it’s possible but highly likely. This entire thing stinks of bio weapon. Our government is a dirty embarrassment for our country.

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Yeah, lots of weirdness in this, Margaret. The best argument I can see for it to be true is that the plan led (and is leading still) to the murder of more US and Israeli citizens than Chinese and Iranians. We can always rely on the great competence of our DoD and CIA. (Is there a tongue-in-cheek emoji?)

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