You’re not a sane and rational person. My sister’s death has nothing to do with this garbage. You’re trash.

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Get used to increasing mRNA jabs causing 'Sudden Deaths' - it's all part of the (WEF's) New World Order's Depopulation Plan.

Will other vax activated diseases and illnesses overtake myocarditis, blood clots and turbo-cancers. It seems there are few illnesses that are not promoted by the impact of the useless but DEADLY INJECTIONS that are designed to depopulate the planet, whilst making fortunes for Big Pharma.

Big Pharma can somehow still legally DENY LIABILITY for any/all adverse reactions that occur following the use of mRNA gene editing jabs. Why would anybody accept being GENETICALLY MODIFIED by participating in a MEDICAL EXPERIMENT?

Would any person in their right mind accept any new EXPERIMENTAL Medicines, particularly with novel mRNA poisons that are known to kill, injure or simply REDUCE LIFE EXPECTANCY for VAX recipients?

Never again! The numbers don't look good for Pfizer et al,. Just as well they recorded 74 Billion in Vax profits in 2021 & 2022. Also, it's great that they still avoid LIABILITY for Vax Injuries and Vax-related DEATHS - otherwise, they'd be bankrupted from the millions of Claims.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer and warn the planet 'You are being CULLED for profit'!

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It's all so obvious to anyone willing to actually think.

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The forensic pathologist based out of Terra Haute Indiana has a fake and fraudulent medical degree from a university in Nigeria. He is continuing to destroy families of deceased individuals by writing bizarre autopsy conclusions. In the article written by Margaret Menge at Crossroads she has mentioned atleast 2 victims names that had their autopsies conducted by the fake nigerian pathologist. Please see below new article on the fraudulent pathologist and stay tuned for many more...


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Thank you. I hadn't see these. But I did read an account out of Canada about a court case there in which he testified. Working on a story related to that. It's all very concerning.

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Daughter applied to IU and thank God chose a different school that didn't heartlessly coerce students to take a horrible injection that could kill them. No school, job, or career is worth that risk. The spate of sudden deaths is not over by a long shot. The decision makers at IU are complicit in these deaths.

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I saw those too young EMS workers and just knew. So sad. But I am glad these sudden deaths are being noted. Thank you for all your excellent work.

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Excellently written article. I took the time to forward a link to the vaxreq@iu.edu email address and asked them if they were happy to be complicit in murder. I suggest anyone else reading this, also, forward the article to vaxreq@iu.edu until they get curious and click on the link once...and go "Oh crap. How do we get in front of this?"

I wish you were able to make more great covid-19 articles like this -- but -- these articles of this length must take a while to compile and complete. Its a shame that even with our 20+ years of journalism experience, I highly doubt anyone at any mainstream publication/newspaper would pick up and run this story; even in Indiana. I doubt they'd even allow you to publish it as an opinion piece.

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No, they don't allow it. I started calling Indianapolis TV stations, and also emailing them, about what I was seeing in VAERS in 2021 -- that the vaccine was killing people in our state. I thought it so urgent that they tell people, and thought for sure they would want to. They gave me the run-around, and ultimately, just wouldn't do it. Wouldn't tell viewers something that could save their lives. I don't think of them as journalists anymore. What they've done is unforgivable. I'm shut out of journalism, for the most part. Just trying to survive out here and get some of this information out. I have several stories in the pipeline.

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I have been upset about this thankfully someone else is paying attention. Don't forget...


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The prototype biological weapons classified as vaccines are the "bullets" for the illegal war on the coronavirus. Think about it, a war on a virus, wherein the virus is spread among people. So, what was the illegal war really initiated against? People. If one questions whether they are prototypes, look up Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) Number: Wl5QKN-16-9-1002 and the contract between the United States corporation's Department of Defense and Pfizer. It states PROTOTYPE! Those that have complied to injections have been deemed as lab mice.

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Fauci's poison death shot is the obvious culprit here.

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Vaccine Russian Roulette

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Good to see that some autopsies were performed. If vaccines are a contributing cause, can the cause be identified through an autopsy?

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"Blood damage that has been detailed through sophisticated research methods is the "missing link" to explain many negative health conditions ranging from heart problems, cancers, reduced immunity and death. Blood damage is the key biologic explanation for harmful vaccine impacts. Note that I am using the word "vaccine" but fully recognize that COVID vaccines/boosters are not real vaccines, but a form of genetic treatment that, unlike real vaccines, do not actually and truly prevent or cure COVID." https://www.wnd.com/2022/09/studies-show-blood-damage-got-covid-jab/

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Yes, I have read where the autopsy needs to be done in a certain way with specific testing because a lot of the damage is done by microclots that are unable to be detected by a regular autopsy. The person who I find to be most knowledgeable is Dr. Ryan Cole a pathologist with impeccable credentials. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/my-interviews-with-ryan-cole-deb?utm_medium=email

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Some of these deaths are falling into that second 5 month peak noted by other Substack authors, such as Steve Kirsch.

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Maybe, if it's because of blood clots.

But if they died of a common cold but it is because their immune systems have been ruined, then it wouldn't be obvious.

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Regarding a compromised immune systems - That may explain when you read about increased mortality rates, there is no explanation provided.

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Latest stats suggest that "Post Vax deaths average 5.5 months from accepting the deadly jab"! DON'T! LIABILITY must be accepted by makers of these deadly injections. Common sense must prevail! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to fight the 'Vaccine Depopulation Experiment'.

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