Wow. This is good evidence. Pray for truth to be seen by more and more.

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Same thing happened in CA Gov count in Orange County 2018. If you compared Gov candidate John Cox count with 5 Congressional seats. 200,000 votes more for Cox than Newspme yet we lost 5 down ballot seats to Dems?

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American elections are broken beyond repair! What is the point of even voting?

I occasionally stick my neck out and include some of my Covid DEADLY Vax theories along with asking why Pfizer accept NO LIABILITY for DEATHS that are caused by their POISONS. But I think it frightens the sheep from communicating with me. So I just have to keep schtum and hope they survive each death shot they continue to blindly accept.

I HEREBY REJECT the Bali G20 (ILLEGAL) HUMAN 'Cattle tagging' VAX FOR TRAVEL' mandate! I also reject the WEF & all persons remotely associated with it!

Licencing POISONS called 'VACCINES' justifies enormous profits from a deadly 'medicine' that's made by Pharmacists with NO MORALS and NO 'LIABILITY!" It also teases us into thinking we're lucky to be offered such wonderful cures (that are no more than DEPOPULATION). Absolute nonsense!

When I travel, I now worry that the oncoming driver might have been over jabbed with poison and pass out! Also, when on a plane I hope they're now using an EXTRA CO-PILOT in case SADS or Myocarditis crops up! More likely as each jab increases the potential of both calamities.

Today I donned my weekly grocery shopping uniform which includes a Bright yellow Tee-Shirt with 'Covid UnVAXXED - WE LIVE LONGER' (front) and 'Covid Unvaxxed CLUB' on the back.

I passed a Covid Vax Centre, now better known as an 'Extermination Centre' for the unknowing masses. Or perhaps, 'the showers' like in WW2.

At Reception I was asked "Have you come for your booster?"

I asked if they had any information on Vax Injuries & Vax related Deaths. I was given a Pfizer brochure that downplayed everything detrimental to their highly profitable POISON.

This proved that Informed Consent No Longer EXISTS and that the medical Hippocratic Oath to "DO NO HARM" no longer applies in the UK.

After being noticed by a few Lemmings I left feeling I had managed to get my message across to at least a few intended victims of the World Depopulation Program.

LIABILITY must be reintroduced for Vax makers = COMMON SENSE.

Then this farce will end suddenly, Pfizer will be BANKRUPT and life will get back to normal!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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Good question. They aren't going to get away with it this time.

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Great discussion.

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Good luck getting anyone to even consider this

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