> What if viruses have never been scientifically proven to exist?
That is CORRECT: they have not been proven to exist, which is why they are alleged to exist because they are a true jackpot for the medico-pharma organized crime syndicate.
There are plenty of people who are against all vaccines. God has granted us the greatest immunity imaginable. A foreign-body-toxin-filled vaccine/drug of any sort will do nothing but degrade our original God-given immune system. Not one vaccine has been produced that creates more help than more harms for humanity (or the animal kingdom. Re: "How could you be against something called a vaccine that prevents you from getting a deadly disease that you might otherwise get while not having any real negative impacts?"
Margaret, the problem is, all vaccines have been flawed from the very beginning of their conception way back when Pasteur was pushing his germ theory. Injecting a foreign protein directly into the bloodstream is always counter-productive and goes completely against the way our bodies are made to combat disease. Vaccines have been neither safe nor effective, and there is no record anywhere of the supposed viruses that the vaccines are supposed to protect us from having been truly isolated. Not polio. Not smallpox. Not measles. We do however know that the vaccines themselves developed for these supposed viruses have been incredibly harmful and deadly.
Read Eleanore McBean's book "The Poisoned Needle", written back in the late 50's for her discussion on the polio vaccine and smallpox vaccine. So, in my opinion, there can be no leeway in claiming that one is in favor of vaccines, but only safe and effective vaccines. What I would have liked RFK to have said is: "We must place a moratorium on all vaccines. There are no safe and effective vaccines. We must quit sacrificing our children's health to the lucrative vaccine industry.
We must destroy the whole Rockefeller, allopathic/vaccine paradigm that has caused so much death and destruction, and replace it with a fresh new paradigm of proper nutrition, sustainable, healthy growing practices, and close local communities working together to ensure the well-being of their neighbors." Something like that.
I would be cheering for RFK if he had said something like that. Instead, I believe we're going to see more of the same tired rhetoric and very little changing as we move forward. I hope I'm wrong.
Margaret, that's exactly my contention. If RFK has to "play the game" in order to get the position, will he play the game when the going gets tough after he gets approved?
The medical cartel and their minions aren't going to concede an inch to any suggestions that the CDC open their files on all the vaccine injuries and deaths over the years.
You are deluding yourself. Nobody, absolutely nobody, in the government can act independently. They are all figure heads, and RFK is no different. He will do whatever he is told to do.
So, RFK is approved under false pretences and he has shown his true colors, which have changed ever since he decided to enter politics.
He said all his kids are vaccinated and he recommends that parents follow the CDC schedule for vaccinations. What is it up to 70 jabs now? This sounds like a man supporting the flawed, toxic poisons as they stand now.
Very disappointed in him. I guess Big Harma is just too Big to Buck.
The CDC schedule for children is now 73 doses of 17 vaccines. But this includes the Covid vaccine and flu vaccine, which most parents aren't doing. All of Kennedy's kids are vaccinated and several are vaccine-injured (asthma and allergies). He's said he'd give anything to have not vaccinated them.
And lets not forget saying he also supported the Avian Flu Vaccine after not only besmirching it but saying, the disease didn't even exist. This was certainly not a "one time" slip of the tongue. He reneged on numerous stances.
Oh puh-leeze what's next? Defending his stance on Israel when he said he opposed the cease fire? When he said Israel is a moral nation (not according to the entire world not to mention the International Courts and just how many Human Rights Organizations). When he also said “The Palestinian people are arguably the most pampered people by international aid organizations in the history of the world.” Or when he said the Palestinians have no right to defend themselves? Or the fact he's also in bed with celebrity rabbi Shmuley Boteach - one of the great grifters and scammers of all time. Seriously?
For the record I too fell for his schtick and was a huge supporter until his true colors and contradictions began shining through. Do you plan on also defending him for blaming his second wife for the 37 affairs he had or the diary he kept, keeping score of all his sexual conquests? How about the full blown public affair he had while running for POTUS? C'mon - he's no different than all of the rest and there is also more than ample reason Caroline used the word "predator" which we all know conjures up one thought.
I notice you also didn't mention his voluntary announcement when he said "Operation Warp Speed was an exceptional accomplishment". I guess if we were to apply your philosophy to that proclamation, he was referring to the millions of people it killed and or harmed? Right? In that sense, then he wasn't lying then either. It certainly WAS an exceptional accomplishment.
I mean no malice or disrespect but the mere fact you went to such an extreme and used such a silly comparison leads me to believe either A) you don't believe him either and or B) you've now been captured by him.
RFK Jr. has always said that he is not anti-vaccine. He just wants to ensure that all of them licensed by the FDA are “safe and effective.” The truth is that none of the current “traditional” ones are, and the mRNA ones are intentional bioweapons aimed at the US population. I am hoping that he is downplaying his issues with vaccines in order to be cleared for the post by the upcoming full Senate vote. Once installed, he would then clear the FDA of all its psychopathic criminal “scientists” and insist that all vaccines be phase trialed for safety and effectiveness. What has been done in the past is that in every case the control group was injected with the same adjuvants as the active group except the purported attenuated virus was never added. Since the pathogenic effects come primarily from the aluminum and heavy metal adjuvants as well as a witch’s brew of organic compounds, both groups have had similar outcomes as the health of all have been adversely affected in terms of safety. All he would have to do once he had control of the FDA is insist that all phase trials be tested against a true saline solution, and have the FDA itself conduct the trials under his watchful eye. None would ever clear that hurdle. And duplicate the trials for all vaccines now currently licensed. It would end the satanic vaccine business.
If I were in his shoes, I would be tempted to follow this strategy as well. I simply hope this is what he is doing and he os not a wolf in sheep's clothing..
Here's one other thing I'd forgotten to mention which totally eviscerates Bobby Kennedy Jr's credibility and solidifies he's also a bona fide liar. During an interview he said Trump can drawn a map of the "entire" Middle East. Like the Operation Warp Speed comment RFK made, I nearly choked when he said this too.
It's a known fact Trump is so ignorant he couldn't tell you what a Shiite or a Sunni is let alone the differences. The only thing Trump can draw is his signature - which he also loves to do.
RFK Jr. also said Trump has great stamina after being up for 48 hours while he was with him on the campaign trail. Granted he's no Sleepy Joe but this too is another embellishment of the actual truth. Who was Bobby actually pandering to when he made these comments?
I personally have always felt given Trumps attention span they have him on medication for ADD which also has the same effect as amphetamines not to mention all the caffeine in Coca-Cola which he drinks.
Then why not simply say all of what you just did? He certainly had no problem being verbose when answering other very simple, easy and forthright yes or no questions? In fact during one of these very diatribes is exactly when he stated, " By the way, Operation Warp Speed was an exceptional accomplishment". He was never even asked the question. So he could've very easily elaborated on all of this as well but instead, stated he supported it.
I'm sorry but it saddens me deeply so many people who've done the research are now rushing to his defense. What will happen if he does in fact renege of what he said as so many of you believe will happen? Wouldn't that be just as bad if not even worse? You don't think it would be plastered all over mainstream media?
And then what would he say? He lied under oath or he lied because he had to? Will Fauci then use the same exact excuse? No matter what way you interpret or decipher what he said, his credibility is destroyed. A man of principle never compromises his integrity. Even if he were not confirmed what stops him from working and/or advising from behind the scenes?
Well said, BJ. Agreed. If RFK is willing to compromise his position just "to get the job",
what will he compromise after he gets the job? He had plenty of ammunition that vaccines are wreaking havoc on the general public and plenty of testimonials from mothers with autistic children caused by these vaccines. He should have come out with both barrels blazing and let the chips fall where they may.
Totally agree Eric - not as though these were gotcha questions. You’re telling me he hadn’t had mock debates and rehearsals leading up to this? C’mon ladies and gentlemen, either he’s a man of integrity or he’s a pathological liar.🤥 Notice how all those parents you so eloquently pointed out certainly haven’t rushed to his defense
Hi, BJ. I did see recently one woman who had two of her children become autistic immediately following a vaccine, come out with a short video speaking out against RFK and his pro-vaccine stance. Perhaps more people will come forward who have been injured, or their children injured by vaccines and speak out against RFK's defense of the vaccine industry.
would love to see it if you happen to recall where it was - the outrage should be earth shaking. Imagine the fight his comments have inflicted on families?
People got divorced over Covid vaccines, can you imagine the wrath of this?
Words have consequences but especially when they stem from authority.
You are probably correct that RFK Jr. probably caved on the vaccine issue in order to pass the Senate confirmation. However, I still have the slight hope that if he becomes the secretary of HHS, he will insist that vaccines undergo their phase testing against a pure saline solution as the control group. This would be the end of all the vaccines. Maybe he is pursuing a Sun Tse strategy with our idiotic and corrupt Senators. One may hope.
I don’t think he caved at all. I think this was his stance all along and the truth came out for the world to see. Point being, how could he ever, ever, ever, say, sans provocation mind you, Operation Warp Speed was an exceptional accomplishment? No one even asked him the question. He went back on his word so many times, there is no way it was in order to get confirmed hence having to testify under oath. This scam should make the USAID appear like nothing. He didn’t just say he was PRO vaccine he said he supported the childhood schedule. I nearly choked when he said it. I didn’t think anything could top the Operation Warp Speed admission until he added this.
I also believe Trump told him from Day One either comply or we’ll get someone else and he is simply to craven not to do as told. How could anyone in their right mind oppose a cease fire in Gaza? Because he can’t stand up to Israel either.
I stopped supporting him when I began to notice just how weak he is. You saw it during interviews when they bullied him and he didn’t fight back. What good lawyer doesn’t win their arguments? Bobby is a good soldier and unlike his uncle will never be a good leader - like most addicts they all suffer from insecurity.
He has sacrificed a LOT in maintaining his stance on the harms of existing childhood vaccines. He seems to be a man of principle. Hard to imagine he would cave so easily.
Principle? The mans a serial adulterer and believes Israel is the most moral Country. I don't know what principles he adheres to but they're certainly not the norm. He has proven to all he is in fact a wolf in sheep's clothing. He supports Israel after they were involved in the assassinations of his uncle and father?
That was the past. Men do change for better or worse. Toward the Light or toward darkness. RFK is not altruistic and he is pushing Transhumanism (Covid bioweapon plus add in AI). Why? It’s the goal of the evil to remove our will, to Control the population. And to depopulate as now these evil vax pushing murderers have robots to do our work
Only in God can we Trust. I suggest holding fast to God and get a good study Bible. Life application Bible is my favorite. And let’s stay United. Regardless of Republican v Democrat, purple vs green, … we ALL are sinners needing God. May God bless everyone here and let’s never trust mere man .. let’s be open minded and emulate Jesus Christ who warned “be aware of great Deception .. even the Elect will be fooled”
Great elaboration on what should be obvious except all things related to "health" and "vaccines"are now hopelessly muddied and confused. I support the "vaccines" I got as a child many decades ago....I do NOT SUPPORT the mRNA platform now being used in all "vaccines".
This is a sneaky criminal attack on children and infants. Disgusting
No vaccine, NONE, has been shown to have been effective. What is sold to us as effectiveness is vaccines being put on the market when the cases were already declining rapidly thanks to non-chemical, non-fairy-story measures.
The polio "vaccine" is one of the biggest pharma scams of the previous century: polio was not caused by a virus but by extreme overuse of DDT.
And talking about viruses: that is another humongous lie: no virus, NONE whatsoever , has been proven to exist, I repeat: NONE.
But hey, the government has out best interests at heart and the government never lies, even when it does 😉
The childhood vaxes we got years ago were just a handful. Now, why is Autism up so high ? 1 child in 37 has a degree of autism. I was pro-vax but I refuse to vax my kids now … my oldest daughter was vaxed and has autism .. my youngest with no vax except when she was born at hospital is a 4.0 student. I dare to say this is no coincidence.
It's no different than all the vaccines your vet insists your pets should have as well. There's big money in this. I deeply regret getting the rabies vaccine for my dog and instead now do the titer testing which solidifies they don't need to be revaccinated every 3 years. The test use to be exorbitantly expensive to deliberately deter people but now the test is only $55.
Availability of Titer Tests
Fortunately, antibody titer tests are gradually becoming more widely available and less costly in the U.S. as more and more pet owners request them in lieu of automatic revaccination.
It's worth noting that passionate pet parents and proactive vets in other parts of the world have developed much more progressive titering protocols that I hope one day we can institute in North America. In the Netherlands and Belgium, for instance, many vets titer puppies and kittens before their first vaccines to determine if there are maternal antibodies present.
This allows the animals to receive one perfectly timed vaccine. These animals are titered four weeks later to assure they were adequately immunized. Integrative vets in this country understand convincing clients to titer once after young animals have received their initial vaccines has taken many years to accomplish. Convincing owners to titer before and after a vaccine is absolutely the best medicine, but may prove to be a difficult protocol to institute for economic reasons.
Let's hope the demand for titer tests continues to increase among pet parents, along with access to affordable testing. The great news is my friend Dr. John Robb has arranged for a rabies, parvo and distemper titer package for $55 (that you can submit yourself if your vet won't do it)! If your own vet isn't offering titers at a reasonable cost, shop around. Any veterinarian truly concerned about the health of pets should happily offer affordable titer testing in lieu of automatic revaccination.
All vaccines are poison.
JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. “Straight shooter” advice on vaccination for the brainwashed. Watch the music video. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/just-too-good-to-be-true
the gorilla in the room is- What if viruses have never been scientifically proven to exist?
> What if viruses have never been scientifically proven to exist?
That is CORRECT: they have not been proven to exist, which is why they are alleged to exist because they are a true jackpot for the medico-pharma organized crime syndicate.
There are plenty of people who are against all vaccines. God has granted us the greatest immunity imaginable. A foreign-body-toxin-filled vaccine/drug of any sort will do nothing but degrade our original God-given immune system. Not one vaccine has been produced that creates more help than more harms for humanity (or the animal kingdom. Re: "How could you be against something called a vaccine that prevents you from getting a deadly disease that you might otherwise get while not having any real negative impacts?"
RFK is very politically astute and you explained it well.
He is a prostitute like the rest of them, ditching his principles when money and influence appeared on the scene for him.
Margaret, the problem is, all vaccines have been flawed from the very beginning of their conception way back when Pasteur was pushing his germ theory. Injecting a foreign protein directly into the bloodstream is always counter-productive and goes completely against the way our bodies are made to combat disease. Vaccines have been neither safe nor effective, and there is no record anywhere of the supposed viruses that the vaccines are supposed to protect us from having been truly isolated. Not polio. Not smallpox. Not measles. We do however know that the vaccines themselves developed for these supposed viruses have been incredibly harmful and deadly.
Read Eleanore McBean's book "The Poisoned Needle", written back in the late 50's for her discussion on the polio vaccine and smallpox vaccine. So, in my opinion, there can be no leeway in claiming that one is in favor of vaccines, but only safe and effective vaccines. What I would have liked RFK to have said is: "We must place a moratorium on all vaccines. There are no safe and effective vaccines. We must quit sacrificing our children's health to the lucrative vaccine industry.
We must destroy the whole Rockefeller, allopathic/vaccine paradigm that has caused so much death and destruction, and replace it with a fresh new paradigm of proper nutrition, sustainable, healthy growing practices, and close local communities working together to ensure the well-being of their neighbors." Something like that.
I would be cheering for RFK if he had said something like that. Instead, I believe we're going to see more of the same tired rhetoric and very little changing as we move forward. I hope I'm wrong.
He would not have been approved if he'd said anything like this. The imperative is to get him approved.
Margaret, that's exactly my contention. If RFK has to "play the game" in order to get the position, will he play the game when the going gets tough after he gets approved?
The medical cartel and their minions aren't going to concede an inch to any suggestions that the CDC open their files on all the vaccine injuries and deaths over the years.
Once he's in, he's in. The medical cartel will have no leverage over him.
You are deluding yourself. Nobody, absolutely nobody, in the government can act independently. They are all figure heads, and RFK is no different. He will do whatever he is told to do.
So, RFK is approved under false pretences and he has shown his true colors, which have changed ever since he decided to enter politics.
He said all his kids are vaccinated and he recommends that parents follow the CDC schedule for vaccinations. What is it up to 70 jabs now? This sounds like a man supporting the flawed, toxic poisons as they stand now.
Very disappointed in him. I guess Big Harma is just too Big to Buck.
The CDC schedule for children is now 73 doses of 17 vaccines. But this includes the Covid vaccine and flu vaccine, which most parents aren't doing. All of Kennedy's kids are vaccinated and several are vaccine-injured (asthma and allergies). He's said he'd give anything to have not vaccinated them.
He said anything to get into the government.
And lets not forget saying he also supported the Avian Flu Vaccine after not only besmirching it but saying, the disease didn't even exist. This was certainly not a "one time" slip of the tongue. He reneged on numerous stances.
Good analogy of the concept of being "pro-business" and "pro-vaccine", and I believe a good assessment of Kennedy's position and testimony.
Oh puh-leeze what's next? Defending his stance on Israel when he said he opposed the cease fire? When he said Israel is a moral nation (not according to the entire world not to mention the International Courts and just how many Human Rights Organizations). When he also said “The Palestinian people are arguably the most pampered people by international aid organizations in the history of the world.” Or when he said the Palestinians have no right to defend themselves? Or the fact he's also in bed with celebrity rabbi Shmuley Boteach - one of the great grifters and scammers of all time. Seriously?
For the record I too fell for his schtick and was a huge supporter until his true colors and contradictions began shining through. Do you plan on also defending him for blaming his second wife for the 37 affairs he had or the diary he kept, keeping score of all his sexual conquests? How about the full blown public affair he had while running for POTUS? C'mon - he's no different than all of the rest and there is also more than ample reason Caroline used the word "predator" which we all know conjures up one thought.
I notice you also didn't mention his voluntary announcement when he said "Operation Warp Speed was an exceptional accomplishment". I guess if we were to apply your philosophy to that proclamation, he was referring to the millions of people it killed and or harmed? Right? In that sense, then he wasn't lying then either. It certainly WAS an exceptional accomplishment.
I mean no malice or disrespect but the mere fact you went to such an extreme and used such a silly comparison leads me to believe either A) you don't believe him either and or B) you've now been captured by him.
RFK Jr. has always said that he is not anti-vaccine. He just wants to ensure that all of them licensed by the FDA are “safe and effective.” The truth is that none of the current “traditional” ones are, and the mRNA ones are intentional bioweapons aimed at the US population. I am hoping that he is downplaying his issues with vaccines in order to be cleared for the post by the upcoming full Senate vote. Once installed, he would then clear the FDA of all its psychopathic criminal “scientists” and insist that all vaccines be phase trialed for safety and effectiveness. What has been done in the past is that in every case the control group was injected with the same adjuvants as the active group except the purported attenuated virus was never added. Since the pathogenic effects come primarily from the aluminum and heavy metal adjuvants as well as a witch’s brew of organic compounds, both groups have had similar outcomes as the health of all have been adversely affected in terms of safety. All he would have to do once he had control of the FDA is insist that all phase trials be tested against a true saline solution, and have the FDA itself conduct the trials under his watchful eye. None would ever clear that hurdle. And duplicate the trials for all vaccines now currently licensed. It would end the satanic vaccine business.
If I were in his shoes, I would be tempted to follow this strategy as well. I simply hope this is what he is doing and he os not a wolf in sheep's clothing..
Here's one other thing I'd forgotten to mention which totally eviscerates Bobby Kennedy Jr's credibility and solidifies he's also a bona fide liar. During an interview he said Trump can drawn a map of the "entire" Middle East. Like the Operation Warp Speed comment RFK made, I nearly choked when he said this too.
It's a known fact Trump is so ignorant he couldn't tell you what a Shiite or a Sunni is let alone the differences. The only thing Trump can draw is his signature - which he also loves to do.
RFK Jr. also said Trump has great stamina after being up for 48 hours while he was with him on the campaign trail. Granted he's no Sleepy Joe but this too is another embellishment of the actual truth. Who was Bobby actually pandering to when he made these comments?
I personally have always felt given Trumps attention span they have him on medication for ADD which also has the same effect as amphetamines not to mention all the caffeine in Coca-Cola which he drinks.
Then why not simply say all of what you just did? He certainly had no problem being verbose when answering other very simple, easy and forthright yes or no questions? In fact during one of these very diatribes is exactly when he stated, " By the way, Operation Warp Speed was an exceptional accomplishment". He was never even asked the question. So he could've very easily elaborated on all of this as well but instead, stated he supported it.
I'm sorry but it saddens me deeply so many people who've done the research are now rushing to his defense. What will happen if he does in fact renege of what he said as so many of you believe will happen? Wouldn't that be just as bad if not even worse? You don't think it would be plastered all over mainstream media?
And then what would he say? He lied under oath or he lied because he had to? Will Fauci then use the same exact excuse? No matter what way you interpret or decipher what he said, his credibility is destroyed. A man of principle never compromises his integrity. Even if he were not confirmed what stops him from working and/or advising from behind the scenes?
That's the 64 thousand dollar question.
Well said, BJ. Agreed. If RFK is willing to compromise his position just "to get the job",
what will he compromise after he gets the job? He had plenty of ammunition that vaccines are wreaking havoc on the general public and plenty of testimonials from mothers with autistic children caused by these vaccines. He should have come out with both barrels blazing and let the chips fall where they may.
Totally agree Eric - not as though these were gotcha questions. You’re telling me he hadn’t had mock debates and rehearsals leading up to this? C’mon ladies and gentlemen, either he’s a man of integrity or he’s a pathological liar.🤥 Notice how all those parents you so eloquently pointed out certainly haven’t rushed to his defense
Hi, BJ. I did see recently one woman who had two of her children become autistic immediately following a vaccine, come out with a short video speaking out against RFK and his pro-vaccine stance. Perhaps more people will come forward who have been injured, or their children injured by vaccines and speak out against RFK's defense of the vaccine industry.
would love to see it if you happen to recall where it was - the outrage should be earth shaking. Imagine the fight his comments have inflicted on families?
People got divorced over Covid vaccines, can you imagine the wrath of this?
Words have consequences but especially when they stem from authority.
You are probably correct that RFK Jr. probably caved on the vaccine issue in order to pass the Senate confirmation. However, I still have the slight hope that if he becomes the secretary of HHS, he will insist that vaccines undergo their phase testing against a pure saline solution as the control group. This would be the end of all the vaccines. Maybe he is pursuing a Sun Tse strategy with our idiotic and corrupt Senators. One may hope.
I don’t think he caved at all. I think this was his stance all along and the truth came out for the world to see. Point being, how could he ever, ever, ever, say, sans provocation mind you, Operation Warp Speed was an exceptional accomplishment? No one even asked him the question. He went back on his word so many times, there is no way it was in order to get confirmed hence having to testify under oath. This scam should make the USAID appear like nothing. He didn’t just say he was PRO vaccine he said he supported the childhood schedule. I nearly choked when he said it. I didn’t think anything could top the Operation Warp Speed admission until he added this.
I also believe Trump told him from Day One either comply or we’ll get someone else and he is simply to craven not to do as told. How could anyone in their right mind oppose a cease fire in Gaza? Because he can’t stand up to Israel either.
I stopped supporting him when I began to notice just how weak he is. You saw it during interviews when they bullied him and he didn’t fight back. What good lawyer doesn’t win their arguments? Bobby is a good soldier and unlike his uncle will never be a good leader - like most addicts they all suffer from insecurity.
Yes, he is Caving. How quickly we forget how man’s nature is sinful. He is Caving into the Great Reset and NWO !
He has sacrificed a LOT in maintaining his stance on the harms of existing childhood vaccines. He seems to be a man of principle. Hard to imagine he would cave so easily.
What exactly has he sacrificed??
Principle? The mans a serial adulterer and believes Israel is the most moral Country. I don't know what principles he adheres to but they're certainly not the norm. He has proven to all he is in fact a wolf in sheep's clothing. He supports Israel after they were involved in the assassinations of his uncle and father?
That was the past. Men do change for better or worse. Toward the Light or toward darkness. RFK is not altruistic and he is pushing Transhumanism (Covid bioweapon plus add in AI). Why? It’s the goal of the evil to remove our will, to Control the population. And to depopulate as now these evil vax pushing murderers have robots to do our work
Only in God can we Trust. I suggest holding fast to God and get a good study Bible. Life application Bible is my favorite. And let’s stay United. Regardless of Republican v Democrat, purple vs green, … we ALL are sinners needing God. May God bless everyone here and let’s never trust mere man .. let’s be open minded and emulate Jesus Christ who warned “be aware of great Deception .. even the Elect will be fooled”
Yes. He is caving ! Believe it
Time will tell assuming he is confirmed by the Senate, and there need not be a lot of it.
Great elaboration on what should be obvious except all things related to "health" and "vaccines"are now hopelessly muddied and confused. I support the "vaccines" I got as a child many decades ago....I do NOT SUPPORT the mRNA platform now being used in all "vaccines".
This is a sneaky criminal attack on children and infants. Disgusting
No vaccine, NONE, has been shown to have been effective. What is sold to us as effectiveness is vaccines being put on the market when the cases were already declining rapidly thanks to non-chemical, non-fairy-story measures.
The polio "vaccine" is one of the biggest pharma scams of the previous century: polio was not caused by a virus but by extreme overuse of DDT.
And talking about viruses: that is another humongous lie: no virus, NONE whatsoever , has been proven to exist, I repeat: NONE.
But hey, the government has out best interests at heart and the government never lies, even when it does 😉
The childhood vaxes we got years ago were just a handful. Now, why is Autism up so high ? 1 child in 37 has a degree of autism. I was pro-vax but I refuse to vax my kids now … my oldest daughter was vaxed and has autism .. my youngest with no vax except when she was born at hospital is a 4.0 student. I dare to say this is no coincidence.
It's no different than all the vaccines your vet insists your pets should have as well. There's big money in this. I deeply regret getting the rabies vaccine for my dog and instead now do the titer testing which solidifies they don't need to be revaccinated every 3 years. The test use to be exorbitantly expensive to deliberately deter people but now the test is only $55.
Availability of Titer Tests
Fortunately, antibody titer tests are gradually becoming more widely available and less costly in the U.S. as more and more pet owners request them in lieu of automatic revaccination.
It's worth noting that passionate pet parents and proactive vets in other parts of the world have developed much more progressive titering protocols that I hope one day we can institute in North America. In the Netherlands and Belgium, for instance, many vets titer puppies and kittens before their first vaccines to determine if there are maternal antibodies present.
This allows the animals to receive one perfectly timed vaccine. These animals are titered four weeks later to assure they were adequately immunized. Integrative vets in this country understand convincing clients to titer once after young animals have received their initial vaccines has taken many years to accomplish. Convincing owners to titer before and after a vaccine is absolutely the best medicine, but may prove to be a difficult protocol to institute for economic reasons.
Let's hope the demand for titer tests continues to increase among pet parents, along with access to affordable testing. The great news is my friend Dr. John Robb has arranged for a rabies, parvo and distemper titer package for $55 (that you can submit yourself if your vet won't do it)! If your own vet isn't offering titers at a reasonable cost, shop around. Any veterinarian truly concerned about the health of pets should happily offer affordable titer testing in lieu of automatic revaccination.