I attended a public forum on Saturday 2/11 in Evansville. I was scheduled to speak, but never called upon, nonetheless, Senator Becker spoke about Senate Bill 4, she stated she was the only one voting against it at the committee meeting. I’m confused, the article says 12 - 0 in favor. Is she lying?

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Here's the Rumble video showing Sen. Vaneta Becker explaining her vote: https://rumble.com/v29elja-indiana-state-sen.-vaneta-becker-votes-for-bill-to-centralize-public-health.html

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YouTube took it down. I just posted to Rumble. Will send you link when I have it.

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Sen Vaneta Becker voted in favor of passing SB 4 out of committee. The vote was 12-0. I made a clip: https://youtu.be/BdEU7ibWt0w

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The hints at coercion (or retribution) for counties which don't opt in should be concerning- and how that could be a subject for levity (per Brad Rogers' testimony) is disturbing. You'd think Charbonneau would have immediately said that he'd like to watch the video of the Public Health Commission meetings to see what Brad Rogers was worried about-- instead, he showed no interest. But his bill was voted out of committee, 12-0, so maybe he doesn't feel that he needs to try to understand the opposition from this witness. I'd characterize that attitude as narrow-minded.

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Well, no wonder he didn't want Ashley playing the clip, then. 😡

And, in my experience, hospital executives are generally quite "all in" with protocols and such. Never mind individualized care etc. Hospitals are very regimented, one-size-fits-most entities without much tolerance for creativity or nuance. So it is not surprising that he sees no problem with expanding the public health department.

This man needs to be voted OUT.

Thank you, Margaret. This story should be published all over his district, if not the entire state.

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Circulating in Evansville.

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Of course he didn’t facts are something to be avoided at all costs.

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How much money did the Feds promise/give the State(s) for increased central control of health? The thought is that State control is the price we uneducated provincials pay for more of the pie....and we will like it. See the video, the Governor's Health Commission will lovingly educate us to the benefits. Same model as the millions given to the State Universities to implement useless and in some cases lethal covid mitigations. Current Republican leadership never met a Federal dollar they wouldn't take.

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