Vanetta Becker is my Representative. Your articles are being circulated on my Telegram Channel; approaching 1000 views. I can’t wait to have a conversation with Senator Becker at the Lincoln Day Dinner in Evansville about her lack of Representation.

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That's great to hear. Thanks.

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Excellent MM

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wonderful article! Thank you for explaining this issue so well and including these powerful testimonies.

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Let us pray that Holcomb's failure in the pandemic costs him this prize. 🙏🏻

Only in government do we reward a failed employee (the state health dept) with a raise. 😡

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Exactly right! This is deep state as it gets and We the People have had enough!

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Why in a Red State would we ever want to reduce local control and let the state bureaucracy have it. Republicans are supposed to be for smaller government, not a conduit for access by special interest groups. They were all in favor of control by the state. Makes me question what grift are they lining up for.

Why would anyone follow those incompetent rubes who continue to pimp out the Jab, masks, Paxlovid. I continue to believe absolutely nothing these liars say. I agree they only want to cover their tracks and control the sheeple.

Mr. Uncontrollable

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Why in a Red State?

I will tell you why.

Because our red lawmakers continually fail to uphold the Indiana GOP party platform. Yet they keep getting elected because most voters, including myself until about 15 months ago, naively believe that when our lawmakers say they are "conservative, support limited government, and family values," they actually mean those things.

Until the 2022 session, I had never read a bill online, never knew about the committee process, never looked at the vote count to see how my rep voted, and never realized the tricks that lawmakers play such that they can correctly yet insincerely state that they "voted to improve election integrity" when all they actually did was vote for currently paperless machines to generate a cash-register receipt of votes cast... by two years from now. Great vote for election integrity. How about a real vote by which we have a statewide audit and ditch machines?

We do not have a red state. Not of red lawmakers, at least.

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i feel the same!

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StandforHealthFreedom.com is awesome too. I highly recommend them. They have many, many resources they make available to us.

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Thank you. You were exceptional. Everyone was. Thank you again. I'm watching SD right now too. It's frightening, so many are still drinking the purple kool aid.

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An awesome testimony, thank you!

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Behind all this is the idolatrous belief there are killer viruses responsible for an alleged "pandemic." The invented "emergency" was designed to roll out the gene-altering vaccines in order to "save" us from this phony modern-day plague. Ironically it's the treatment (i.e. the "vaccines') now causing the excessive mortality which is blamed on the virus. In essence the government is arguing that the "emergency" justifies the suppression of freedom of speech! This is what happens when religious fanatics (with mainstream "science" being the new religion) have taken over the government.

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Great job on your on your testimony!

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They heard you Margaret. 💚💚💚

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