I doubt Todd Young would be interested in anything vaccine related. He seems to be in bed with big business.

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Thank you Margaret for doing all this research. I will share

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No matter how painful it is to read about this, especially when it involves children, I force myself to be aware and informed. Their voices may have been silenced, but they can’t silence us all. It really will take all of us to speak out and speak loudly for this to stop. Each single individual person CAN make a difference. I will contact my state legislature and forward this along to many others. Thanks, MAA.

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It's criminal to inject kids & babies with this DEADLY crap, they never even needed - even if the injection did work, which it obviously doesn't. Premeditated MUERDER by Big Pharma and those that allow these heinous acts to continue = FDA and CDC are accomplices to MURDER!

As are all medics that know the shit is dangerous but are too scared to stop taking the cash to perpetuate the CULL! Do no HARM - my arse!

The number of different Adverse Reactions to Covid Vax is increasing by the day. Apparently, they've just added "LONG-COVID" to the list of suspected health issues and causes of DEATH - POST-VAX! I stopped counting at 137 different Adverse Reactions to this useless crap sold without any assurance/insurance that it won't harm recipients. 'LIABILITY' must be reintroduced before another dose of this POISON is injected.

Many of us already know the full low-down on the background of Bio-Warfare engineering of viruses that went on in the USA until they decided it was too unsafe on US soil. They then transferred the task to China (Wuhan etc,) with overall management by Francis Collins (a Fauci gymp).

Since discovering (the man-enhanced 'Bio-weapon' = Coronavirus) = Covid and the supposed 'VACCINE' seemed to be part of a Plan to dominate and reduce the world's population, I've looked at everything with more scepticism. I actually believe that these (useless but sometimes DEADLY) "Vaccines" may have been designed for a purpose unrelated to a viral health issue. After all there have been sinister references to Plandemics over recent decades, including the meeting just before Covid was let loose, in which they openly discussed and planned the consequences of the "NEXT PANDEMIC - before the world had even heard of Coronavirus(?) It stunk then and now it's a million times worse.

Because various non-medicinal materials have been found regularly in these 'VACCINES', there might be a purpose for these materials. When under inspection through a 600x electron microscope, Graphene Oxide was discovered (along with Lead, Mercury and aluminium) and when a cellphone was activated in the vicinity of the test, the Graphene Oxide became illuminated. It was noticed that this illumination lasted for up to 2 hours.

So, because I've become a total crackpot, suspecting the WEF really does exist and that they mean us no good, I started to consider the other cranks that were saying 5G was a potential health issue. Then I put the two together and came up with this lunacy = Could the New World Order (WEF) have invented new technology that can 'immobilise' or 'terminate' dissenters (rioters and protesters)? This would be far more efficient than Water Cannon, Rubber Bullets, Stun Guns or Thugs with Batons.

The protesters might be those that realised they'd been jabbed with a material that did nothing to allay the consequences of Fauci's Bio-weapon - Covid, but simply destroys their natural immunity. The recent inflation is also suspect in my mind - as it is another way Adolf Schwab (WEF King) can invoke his plan that we "(they) SHALL OWN NOTHING BUT WE (they) WILL BE HAPPY" and "Let them EAT BUGS".

The few that remain unvaxxed will become SLAVES to the remaining Elite and Global Warming will be halted by DEPOPULATION (by Vax) = The Great Cull!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer. (Join the dots and see the world from a different perspective.)

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Thank you and shared.

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Thank you for this heartbreaking information. I will pass it along to my state legislators.

Just to be clear, for others reading this/

• the 31 yo pontine hemorrhage is a brain bleed. Thirty-one year olds do not get brain bleeds for no reason.

• the 13 yo “transmural infarct” is a fancy way of saying heart attack. His heart is so badly damaged that he needs a medical device to support its functioning or a heart transplant. He will likely never run in gym class again.

• the 17 yo is obviously experiencing some sort of dire brain damage. From a freaking shot she didn’t even need.

This is devastating. If it was only about the increased medical expenses to our state, it would be appalling. But of course the financial costs are nothing compared to the loss of well being and life. God, help us all.

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