I am sorry for your loss, Margaret. I too have lost friends and family to the jab. What surprises me is the number of Baby Boomers who rolled up their sleeves for this. What happened to their apathy and suspicions about the government? It has definitely affected our family relationships. My father had multiple myleoma that spread rapidly through his body after several vaccinations. He was 89 and died one month short of his 90th last year. I am so angry.

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I'm so sorry you lost your father. They really put the scare into older people. We just couldn't do enough to counter it. I told my father not to get it. He got it anyway. Thanks be to God, he says he's not getting any more. I think there has to be a reckoning. People have to be held accountable. This is an election year, so an ideal time to approach candidates for state legislature and Congress and ask for an investigation. They want our votes but they should not get them unless we get this.

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May 22·edited May 22

My sincere condolences.

I find it odd when people exclude suicide and suicidal ideation as a potential side effect of the "miracle vaccine". It crosses the blood brain barrier and directly affects the brain, not to mention the microbiome and every organ/tissue. The propaganda and isolation is a significant confounder, but I certainly wouldn't rule out transfection as a direct cause of suicide.

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Agree that suicide can be caused by vaccines. I saw several of these cases in VAERS. But in this case, I know the circumstances of this friend's suicide. The primary cause was that his marriage was falling apart. I know this because I talked to him a few days before he killed himself and he talked at length about what was happening, indicating that he just couldn't go through another divorce.

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May 22Liked by Margaret Menge

So very sorry to read of this, Margaret. Frightening and heartbreaking, but not surprising. The fact that we tried to warn our loved ones, doesn't make the pain and shock of loss any easier. Each death is especially painful because we all (must) wonder: could this have been prevented? Could I have done more: yelled more; emphasized more, had more melt-downs, to get the point across? I only have a couple hundred friends on Facebook, and I can now count 6 that have died from the Covid-19 bio-weapon jab. Those of us that survive this deep-state culling, will be forever broken hearted.

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It breaks my heart to hear of these stories. The great culling continues unabated. This was done on purpose.

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So sorry Margaret. I’ve had unfortunately more than that. A few died unexpectedly and a few developed Super Cancers. It’s saddening that the propaganda was so fierce, the lies and fear that was instilled in the American people.

Unfortunately the worse is yet to come, I’m afraid.

When people I knew started getting the Vaccine, everyday I heard that someone was “rushed” to the hospital with chest pain or breathing issues. These were friends children in their 20s, cousins in their 40’s, in every single age group. It didn’t discriminate. They all had their reasons for getting the shot.

I don’t know of 1 single person who regrets not getting it, but I do know of 100s of people who do regret getting it.

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That is a lot of friends, memories and memories to be made that were stolen from your life and the lives of their families, I am sincerely sorry :(

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Thank you.

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Sorry Margaret, I thought that anyone who died since January 2020 was automatically regarded as a Covid victim? Even though the gunshot wounds or the bus tyre tracks across the victims forehead suggested otherwise? Silly me!

Millions have died from the injection they call a Vax - not Covid! Many millions will have a shortened Life Expectancy or vax induced ill health for the rest of their shortened lives. The NWO plan is working.

We need to suspect every stat emanating from the medical industry - even GPs and hospitals. They've all been usurped by the WEF's New World Order!

These criminals are now admitting "Mistakes were not made". A little similar to the UK Blood Scandal = HIV infected blood transfusions knowingly used since the 1970's. After decades, finally admitted by UK Government as an 'oversight'? Ooopps!

Whilst incompetence, unprofessional management and complacency were used as the cause of that deadly fiasco, the Covid and associated DEADLY INJECTION Scamdemic was deliberate. Planned, designed and executed with military precision.

The whole farce of Covid & DEADLY VAX was a depopulation exercise planned by the New World Order (The WEF) who believe the planet is vastly overpopulated and this mad made catastrophe is their solution. Culling humanity with designer diseases and deadly, useless injections they call VACCINES!

Part of their marketing strategy for this cull is the World Health Organisation's Health Treaty! We've dismissed the Corrupted WHO as being WEF motivated and now regard the WEF as obsolete and terminated.

We, the people, have spoken!

It sounds like the Elite of the WEF ain't listening, so the REVOLUTION is nigh!

Unjabbed Mick = To live longer and to fight for freedom!

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Drat, it's that annoying writer from The Daily Beagle again.

I'm here to annoy on methodology.

"I have fewer than 500 Facebook friends. Seven have died since the Covid vaccine was introduced."

1) Was this by explicit obituary, or do you check all 500 accounts and presume inactivity = death?

2) If it is by explicit obituary, how do you plan to identify individuals not reported on Facebook?

3) How many of the 500 (obviously, not counting the dead) have become disabled or crippled?

4) Of those disabled/crippled, how many have been crippled to the point they can no longer meaningfully function? (I.E. how many have had their lives permanently ruined)

"Of the seven, one committed suicide, so I will not include him."

Why not? If a vaccine seriously cripples a person or ruins their life to the point they have little to no reason to live, individuals can still be driven to suicide. Especially if they lose loved ones to said shots.

Yes, there could be other reasons, but in absence of clarifying evidence, it isn't an automatic reason to rule it out. Bearing in mind the Canadian government, for example, is really pressing for disabled people to kill themselves - people they disabled themselves (which obfuscates the death statistics and cause). State-sponsored murder is nasty, and this is the nastiest example: https://metro.co.uk/2024/04/04/physically-healthy-woman-will-euthanised-next-month-20588327/.

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Nothing was presumed. These are all people I was connected to and knew. They all died on the dates that I listed. On the friend who committed suicide, I'd talked with him a few days before and know why he did it. He may have been vaccinated and if he was, the vaccine may have been an indirect partial cause. But it was not the main cause.

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I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I will admit when you said facebook friends, I'm more used to the modern definition, where one doesn't know a person intimately, and is more someone they know over the internet. I had no information to work with regarding the suicide.

Keeping tabs on 500 people is a mammoth task (certainly exceeds Dunbar's number), and I'm still curious as to how you learned of the deaths in question (saying 'facebook friends' makes it sound like it was announced on facebook, and not a personal affair). If announced, do you anticipate some deaths will be unannounced on facebook?

I find most people keep their deepest thoughts to themselves, even from friends. That said, people must not be conditioned to rule out causation. I've seen far too many vaccine proponents - dare I say it, brag - that someone died of suicide as 'proof' it wasn't caused by the shot, however when one delves deeper they find the individual was crippled in such a way they had no quality of life (see: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9826739/Minnesota-woman-legs-AMPUTATED-contracting-COVID-19-days-receiving-vaccine.html), and opted for suicide.

Maybe not this case, however I like to remind people in general not to automatically rule out suicides. One of the nastiest tactics being utilised by these disgusting governments is driving people into this, and then trying to act as if they aren't guilty because they weren't the ones to pull the proverbial trigger.

Some folks even committed it due the sheer scaremongering of COVID-19. Nasty stuff all around.

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The State has engaged in gain of function research, and its release has stormed the globe. Not satisfied to quell the alarm and apply measured, known therapeutic solutions, it instead fanned the flames and introduced a ready-to-go experimental gene therapy that had known toxicity.

The landscape of society has been altered markedly. People are dropping prematurely by the thousands daily. Communities take note of this new tempo of loss. Acute awareness can be excused, but awareness is returning answers that are not incorrect.

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