FYI. Charbonneau and Becker’s office confirmed the “committee” approved the proposed legislation; it’s moving forward. I’ve uploaded to Colbertreport on Telegram. Charbonneau was hand picked to represent this legislation; the weakest link. Vanetta Becker is my representative, she has not returned the call as requested. Her husband, Andy Guarino, was a previous School Board member in Evansville and now serves on the School’s Foundation along with 30 other un-elected officials. It’s always the Foundations.

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She needs to be replaced.

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Shoot, I remember seeing this this summer. So diabolical.

Now I am rethinking my decision to send only written testimony. I may need to go see these snakes face to face tomorrow (snakes being the Commission members, who themselves admit they are acting deceitfully).

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One of the members is my county commissioner, what do you suggest I do or say to him? I am so disgusted about this whole thing! I called senators today to tell them to vote no on SB 4. Hope we can change the course of this.

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Great. Email him right away this evening and tell him you want county health departments to remain autonomous and don't want any more money spent on public health statewide until Hoosiers are compensated for vaccine injuries and deaths.

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Actually had to copy and resend because there’s an error in his email address on the website in one place (where I initially found it).

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Awesome, will do!

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Thank you Margaret for shining a light on this issue. I have written my Senator, Ron Alting, though not hopeful that he cares about the Tippecanoe County Health Commission. What is wrong with these Republicans? Rhetorical question, "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."

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Please call TONIGHT and leave messages for Senator Charbonneau and the other Health Committee members expressing your views and telling them to vote NO on this bill. You can leave voice messages - just be sure to specify which Senator the message is for, because the assts rep for more than one.

Phone numbers:

Tell them to vote NO on SB 4. If leaving a message, please specify for which senator, as the assistants rep more than one. Thanks.

Donato & Crider 317-234-9054

Charbonneau & Becker 317-232-9494

Busch 317-232-9488

Bohacek 317-232-9541

Breaux 317-232-9847

Brown 317-232-9497

Leising 317-232-9493

Melton 317-232-9432

Johnson 317-232-9466

Yoder 317-232-9534

Charbonneau is the most important to call because he is committee chair, but call as many others as you can.


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You're welcome! It's very strange that they think this is something that Indiana needs and wants right now.

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