Everyone who has pushed and continues to push these poison injections should be assigned to work for a family that has a vax injured member or missing a vax killed parent.

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Some relevant music.

Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

NEW SUBSTACK RELEASE. Gestapo in the USA. A government agency brands vaccine skepticism as domestic violent extremism. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/gestapo-in-the-usa

Watch POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


There's a new church in town. Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID-19 NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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Our family friend's daughter, a 35 year old school teacher, got her required Covid booster in September of 2021. She was soon showing multiple symptoms that are similar to Guillian-Barre syndrome. She now requires constant care and can barely function. I spoke with her father recently who told me that she hasn't worked a day since October of 2021. They are extremely worried about her long term prognosis. She doesn't seem to be improving even with treatment. In her case, I was told that the doctors ADMIT that it was the vaccine. She was only married for a few years before this occurred and she was looking forward to a having a family.

This is going to sound silly, but I believe if the hospital did not admit that the 'vaccine' was the responsible they would still be in denial. The mass psychosis denial surrounding this event is hard to grasp. People are loathe to admit they participated in the destruction of their own health.

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Very sad. Sounds like her life will never be the same again. And who will be held accountable??

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There’s a couple in town in their 80s who had their first shot. The husband was covered in a rash over his chest and arms, and stopped speaking for a week. The wife had always spoken German to a friend of mine that she had known for years. when she ran into my friend, after being vaccinated, my friend spoke German to her, and she said “Oh, do you speak German?”

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Thank you for this. How disturbing.

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I keep thinking that I have heard all the evil, then I hear yet more, like this story. And the story of the bus driver driving wrong way down a highway. Endangering not only himself but dozens of others.

How long, oh, Lord, must this evil continue? When will the strong arm of your righteousness strike and stop the horror?

How long until the whole world awakens to this terrible evil? So many - even those I know - are yet blind, ignorant, and by now it feels so willful. Yet, how can they hear without someone telling them? They hear only the MSM, what their ears want to hear and their eyes want to see.

God, keep us awake and alert so we are not blind.


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it be interesting to look into recovered alcoholics that relapsed. the one case that stood out to me the most for possible adverse effects was this guy I knew who hadn't drank since the early 80s due to liver failure. got his 2nd jab & binged himself to death.

i suspect there is some kind of mechanism with dopamine receptors in platelets and the jabs effect ie thrombosis etc.

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The very thing they want from us, our sparkle, our deep connections. F these effing mother Weffers....

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"In most cases, the patient’s memory returns after this limited time period." Thank goodness. I hope, somehow, most bounce back from all the damage from these vaccines. I'm so tired of 5th-generation warfare where people walk into gas chambers themselves, thinking they are doing a good thing.

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Why she take a 3rd shot of that to begin with

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