and then there is that little problem that no virus has ever been isolated and the whole house of cards falls

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We need a constitutional amendment that guarantees medical freedom and prohibits any entity from requiring any medical intervention as a condition of employment, schooling, or medical treatment. No one may be denied access to a public or private business based on "vaccination" status.



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Two points: First, based on a Harvard pre-covid study, VAERS only captures 1% of vaccine adverse events. Based on this study, you would have to increase VAERS reported adverse events by at least 100 to 1 for a true picture. And this was before reporting adverse events were heavily discouraged as they were during the covid pandemic.

Secondly, while I appreciate the efforts of Dr. Ladapo to get the word out to the public, we are still allowing the enemy to set the terms of the debate. We are not calling their narrative into question because they set the terms of the debate. They do not care how much we talk about the statistics because they are still in control of the premises of the debate.

We have to start talking about reality and the reality is that the shots are not medical interventions and the adverse events are not "side effects". The shots are BIO-WEAPONS, military countermeasures, and the so-called side effects are not adverse events, rather they are the INTENDED OUTCOMES of the bio-weapon. By using their language and their narrative, we lose the debate before it is even started.

Until we address REALITY; until we set the terms of the debate and call these bio-weapons what they are and the outcomes as the intended mass murder of populations, we will never be a threat to their narrative or their control. We lose the war before it is even started. It's time to get real and quit accommodating the enemy's strategy. If we don't, we will soon end up in a "lock-down" under the WHO Accord from which there will be no escape.

There is only one way to win this war and that is to refuse to let them set the terms of the debate and call out the genocide agenda for what it is, an attack on the American people with bio-weapons by sociopath overlords. We have to QUIT playing their game.

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People often wonder how it would have been to live in a time past. Take the time of Galileo who is considered to be the father of modern science. Science back then,as we also see today, was in the hands of those in power. The Catholic Church in Galileo's time was no different than governments around the world today where science is what they say it is and like Galileo we are paying with our lives.

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On the "Why not?" question: Is it spiritual? A Cristian worldview is guided by a moral truth with consequences. The standard is perfection (not possible for humans) where all needs are met and continually working towards "more perfect outcomes" is a moral imperative. The current state of things reflects a different standard where "man" defines what is needed and believes that there will never be consequences or repercussions associated with their actions. Truth is a need and sharing information (this post) provides an example of the right (moral) action.

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Wow absolutely disgusting but something I sadly knew was true from the beginning

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I never understood the concept of a "Covid death." Before all the deaths from the jabs, most of the people who supposedly died from "Covid," were elderly.

Despite the fact that the elderly always have a myriad of pre-existing conditions, it was always "Covid" that was declared to be the catalyst for their deaths.

Even if you believe that there are such things as pathogenic viruses, the usual measure of serious infection was a significant viral load.

But the viral load was never examined in these Covid cases utilizing electron microscopy. Nor were large numbers of people looked at in clinical studies comparing whether the viral load was correlated with actual serious respiratory illness (a corresponding control group was also not utilized).

Instead, a PCR test (which does not measure infection) was used to "confirm" a mere case number. Instead of a real world inquiry, the virologists relied on a computer simulation. Amplified genetic fragments were substituted for the traditional methods of detecting "infection."

Personally I don't even buy the idea pathogenic viruses exist so hence I do not believe anyone has died from "Covid." But if you do believe in it, at least the theory should be properly vetted.


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No, answer = I live in Illinois, one of the most corrupt states in the nation😟

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This underscores everything that Ed Dowd and Josh Stirling have been saying at the level of a state. Dr. Joe Ladapo is a brave soul.

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