The theme of Light vs Dark is also reinforced by David Kupelian in context of our current political and spiritual challenges in his article at at WND "Messiahs false and true:" He references an elaboration in John's Letter: 1 John 1:5:7: "Here is the message we heard from him [Jesus] and pass on to you: that God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to be sharing in his life while we walk in the dark, our words and our lives are a lie; but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, then we share together a common life, and we are being cleansed from every sin by the blood of Jesus his Son” (1 John 1:5–7). https://www.wnd.com/2022/12/messiahs-false-true/

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You're so right Margaret! We must make ourselves heard. Otherwise the truth will disappear completely and our opportunity will be lost forever. We become Slaves to the Schwab, Gates, Tedros, Boulra, Trudeau, regime. We can and must make our suspicions known to their many 'followers'.

I'm too old to physically retaliate but I can let the people know how corrupt the WHO has become since Bill Gates (biggest investor/benefactor/influencer) redesigned their Mission from helping mankind health, into helping Gates double his fortune by declaring false Diseases and Pandemics.

Not worth taking another chance with the 'man enhanced' bio-weapon called 'Covid 19 VAX' (Fauci's Gain of Function experimental depopulation project). The 'miraculous' but useless (frequently DEADLY) Covid vax - invented at the "speed of science" (probably simultaneously in the adjacent Wuhan lab). Don't contribute to furthering the Pfizer's directors' wealth by taking yet another health destructing jab.

LIABILITY must be reintroduced for DEADLY INJECTION MAKERS because the 'Temporary concession' for Swine Flu (1976) was a total DEADLY FAILURE but minuscule in proportion to the Covid Vax that's now killing MILLIONS!

EXEMPTION from LIABILITY is nothing more that a 'LICENCE TO KILL', while Big Pharma increase their, already massive, fortunes.

Doctors used to have honour, dignity, compassion, honesty and the trust of their patients. Their 'oath' was 'DO NOI HARM'. This was way back in 2019, before they received the WEF New World Order instructions to promote EXPERIMENTAL depopulation injections, incorrectly referred to as VACCINES.

Doctors now seem intent in enforcing deadly but useless, ineffective injections into babies that gain no benefit, but can die as a consequence of the injections. This immoral, disgusting, inexplicable insensitivity identifies all that choose not to speak out as MURDERERS!

Now we've sussed the con as a universal CULL (Depopulation) of humanity to reduce Global Warming, which would leave the remaining COVID VAX survivors (and those that joined the dots and saw the BIG LIE = THE GREAT UNVAXXED), as Servants (SLAVES) to our newly 'self appointed' WEF (Elite) masters.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Margaret Menge

Something to think about. TY Margaret.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Margaret Menge

I think that was exactly what I needed to hear today.

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Please continue to help us shine the light into the darkness that our government has become. There needs to be justice for the thousand/millions that died needlessly and many alone. We all pray for that day when the righteous will prevail over evilness and the evil is our own government

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Margaret Menge

Thank you Margaret. This is "the true light, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world." (John 1:9). We are made in His image and likeness. We must reject the darkness, kneel before Our Lord in Bethlehem, and let him re-enlighten us.

So many choose the darkness, as "the darkness did not comprehend [the light]." (This is an alternative translation of John 1:5).

If we would come out of this great time of darkness, we must spread the word of the Christ child in the stable with His Mother. It is Divine and human together, perfectly.

How do so many turn callous and poison their neighbor? It is barbarism. The darkest of darkness.

But today brings hope anew. Pray that more turn and come to the light.

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🐬🎶😎👍🍺 Thank you Margaret, Christmas blessings to your loved ones and yourself.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Margaret Menge

I needed this very Christmas message, so thank you! I was pondering King Herrod’s decree this past week as I grieved the loss of young life due to the jab. Blessings to you for bringing truth to us. You and your work are appreciated!

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 26, 2022Liked by Margaret Menge

"All of those who promised Americans that the vaccines were “safe” when in fact there was no evidence to support this should be held accountable. They must be brought before a committee of elected representatives of the people, or brought before a judge in a court of law, and made to answer for this lie."

Margaret. Thank you so very much for this very thoughtful entry. I make use of the quote above because the only difficulty in achieving what you stated is that seemingly everyone is complicit,; even those who have the ability to bring the guilty to justice.

We cannot lose sight of the significance of this day and what it means for all of humanity; even for those who choose not to accept that message; for all are redeemed by His life, death and resurrection even if they choose not to believe. You and others like yourself assist in His plan of salvation because He wants for us to be involved, actively, in that plan and not just stand on the sidelines. It will take, as you alluded to, for humanity to get 'off the bench' so to speak and join in the game as it is being played.

I love that you take the Maid of Heaven, Joan of Arc as your icon for her story is most appropriate given the circumstances and speaks more loudly to myself, now , than any saint in the celestial court.

St. Jeanne d'Arc, Pray for Us and lead us by your example.


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Amen! Beautiful words to hear today. May God bless you and your family. Keep praying and speaking out. We know that in the end Christ wins. So keep the faith, these times are going to get much worse. 💗

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