I enjoyed your writings during covid, so thank you. While I followed many good journalists during that time, having someone local covering was filling a void. Good journalism is part of the way out of it. As we all know, one of the main tactics during covid was severing communication, through media censorship, social media, physically keeping people separate etc...

I thinks now is as important as ever to continue to the discussion and fight. Feeling defeat is what they want.

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I mourn what has happened in our country. However, with 9 grand children and two more on the way, what is the way forward? Is this how Patriots felt when King George ignored their appeals. It may be at the grass root level but I will advocate and work for personal liberty of thought and action and to expose fraud. Just a note, with reference to this article and Rand Paul's quotes, and the article you published today with reference to IU and student protests: we are clear that the US has been funding Iran to enrich uranium and in part, that money has allowed a proxy war against Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah?

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A biblical based assessment: "In his homily, the priest said something unlike anything I’ve ever heard said by any Catholic priest in any church I’ve been to. He said that one day our county will be no more, and that perhaps this time is approaching."

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Great writing. Thank you. I wish every citizen would read this. Too few know these sad stories of how our servicemen were treated. The biggest threat to our country isn’t Russia or China or climate change. It’s our government.

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My heart bleeds as I read this post but I am also outraged at the injustice inflicted by our incompetent, narcissistic and malicious elite.

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So good to hear from you again! It is hard to fathom what has happened and continues to happen to our country, although it is a process that began long ago and has only been accelerated since 2020. Such malice aforethought by our leaders is difficult to accept as real, but what other explanation suffices? There are many of us who have come to see and understand and are resisting the destruction. I pray everyday that our numbers increase. Thank you for using your voice to speak out.

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