We will need a Warrior going forward. The Great Reset (aka, Agenda 2030) is no longer conspiracy. Klaus Schwab and all his Globalist friends have grand plans for the global takeover.

There are many battles I see going forward.

We need a man (woman) of and for the People, God and Country.

Mike does not fit the requirement.

Keep looking.

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There are some big positives but some problematic contradictions, many pointed out by other commenters here. I am a Hoosier and hoping we can be one of those states leading the way out of the mess we are in.

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Holcomb's Kiss of Death = following the Covid - Vax nonsense like a lemming jumps off a cliff! LIABILITY must be re-introduced as it was just a TEMPORARY concession way back in 1976 - for another failed attempt to cure Swine Flu with a needle. After 50+ US citizens died POST VAX, the Experiment was dropped for being "Too DANGEROUS". This time we're approaching 2 million Post Vax DEAD around the planet and still they jab on relentlessly in the knowledge they have a "Licence to KILL" - Until the Authorities wake up and stop this madness! Mick from Hooe (UK). Unjabbed and ready to finish Big Phama's dirty tricks.

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Thank you for a very accurate Convention of States evaluation. I share your concerns about Braun, but I also think everyone needs to recognize that the problem here is our legislature. It had the chance to revoke the state of emergency multiple times and refused, and instead of taking back the emergency powers for the legislature by changing the law itself, they referred to power to the legislature leadership only, and shirked their responsibility to represent the people of IN. Only legislature reform removing the power of the legislative leadership to run the legislature will get us back our democracy, and this needs to occur both at the state and federal levels.

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I would vote for him over Holcomb for sure. And for him over his fellow Senator, Todd Young. But I have not seen him to be the bold, courageous, true conservative leader that we need.

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Also, Braun is working w Dick Durbin to have the F D A develop a product registry for dietary supplements. While he claims this is merely a database for consumers, with label information and such, we all know it’s just one way for the fed to ratchet up regulations and costs for these supplement companies, and to restrict access for consumers. The F D A wants us all obliged to use their synthetic pharmaceuticals.

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“ When asked if he would stand up to the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and the Indiana Manufacturer’s Association, both of whom pushed for the right of private corporations to be able to force vaccines on their employees, he deflected, saying he didn’t think this would be an issue by 2024.”

Mike Braun has let Hoosiers down by refusing to stand up for personal liberties. I have contacted his office at least twice regarding the immoral mandates. The only response I ever got was that he thought vaccines should be available to anyone who wanted them.

He has his head in a dark place if he thinks that medical freedom will no longer be an issue in 2024. As of now, we still have the immoral state law allowing businesses to discriminate against employees based on religious beliefs or medical conditions: they are allowed to require testing and masks for unvaccinated employees. Not to mention that employers are allowed to administer invasive questionnaires to employees who submit religious exemption statements. Not to mention that my medical decisions are not the business of my employer in the first place.

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So how many people have to die before one can say the issue of "vaccine injuries" has "ripened". What a cowardly BS answer. One thing is for sure though, it will be good to get rid of Holcomb. Thanks Margaret for letting us know what we have to look forward to.

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Mike Braun supported workforce development, which ties businesses to the schools.....

I and others gave him information about this before he was elected........He also was one of the R's that took money from B. Gates!

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We have means for altering the Constitution without holding a Constitutional Convention through the amendment process. He is promoting a back door effort to gut the document. And we don't need to alter the Constitution to reign in the Federal government.

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Term limits for Congress? Seriously? How about term limits for the bureaucrats who actually run the country while Congress rubber-stamps their budgets? The Con Con con is a horrendously bad idea.

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Beware of apparent conservatives and libertarians who push for a constitutional convention. It simply opens the door to a complete and total gutting of the document. They are either a fifth column or remarkably stupid. The primary problem with the Constitution is not its content but rather how its meaning has been twisted and misinterpreted by corrupt judges and justices.

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Mike Braun is on a list of polyticks who get money from Soros. Braun was also a democrat when he was a county commissioner. So, no, I don't trust him one bit. Wolf in sheep's clothing.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

Holcomb has been a gutless wonder with regards to covid, enamored of his "special emergency powers." Rather than being proactive our most recent Governors have thought, "if I don't mess up the fiscal environment created by Gov. Daniels, everything else will be ok," NOT. Leadership has been lacking for a long time and Indiana seems to have a tendency toward RINOs e.g. Governors Daniels and Pence, we can do better. Of particular concern is the "progressive/woke" bent of all the State schools, nothing and no one is reining them in. Not sure Braun is the answer?

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