Is there anything that breaks this down by quarter instead of year? The largest number of COVID deaths was from winter spike in December 2020 to February 2021, before the vaccine was widely distributed. Those deaths would have all been payouts in 2021. Also, the group premiums also jumped by over double, so it appears as though much of the increase would be more customers, not more people dying unless they doubled their premiums in 2021.

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The wave of death in the young, healthy, working population hit in the 4th quarter of 2021 when the covid gene therapy was mandated to Corporations with over 100 employees by whomever or whatever runs the Biden Administration.

Look at the actuary data tables put together by Ed Dowd on his website "theyliedpeopledied.com" or .org, I forget, as well as the work of Denis Rancourt & his team in Canada, or the work of British Cardiologist Aseem Malhotra who saw the big uptick in cardiovascular disease, stroke & heart attack, post the covid injections, which provided neither immunity nor stopped transmission.

Another very important point is that as these gene therapies were not "sterilizing" vaccines, they turned everyone who took them into living "Gain-Of-Function" bio-reactors, producing innumerable new strains of SARS-COV-2.

Not smart, if you want to end a "pandemic," but diabolically intelligent if you, (for your own economic, totalitarian or other goals,) wish to prolong one.

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By Frederick Deforest Burton....so few people commenting while using their real names

what are they afraid of???


...Canada and eleven other countries are pushing SUICIDE.

The number that struck me

10,000 yes TEN THOUSAND canadian souls were snuffed out in the last 12 months by suicide. Thats the population of my home town, Oneida, New York (thats between syracuse, utica and rome right in the middle of the state)....thats more than 27 people a day, the size of one of my classes in high school, say my home room...most went to their grave without Faith in Christ, encouraged by the demon inspired doctors, nurses, mental health professionals, hospital administrators, other eugenics proponents visiting the ill, the poor, the differently abled, the mentally challenged, the demented to mend their lives or their children or parents under their care...IF THATS NOT DEMONIC NOTHING IS!!!!!

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“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” — J. Edgar Hoover ~The Elks Magazine, August 1956

There are many posts in US History that for any discerning citizen that hasn't their head in their ass would know something's been amiss for a long time. Unfortunate everyone's busy making money, now you may no longer have that opportunity. Even living your life normally.

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As an RN with an elderly mother living in a retirement community, I've watched once active and vital senior citizens (many of them still working), being diagnosed with various cancers. A number of them died suddenly, even though they had received a clean bill of health at their last checkup.

Several of the seniors are having neurological issues.

You could say that these people are older and these issues are to be expected in the elderly, however NONE of these people were ill prior to the Covid vaccination.

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Any way to break it down into each year, as well as the payout for each year?

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I wonder how many retirement funds are invested in the life insurance companies; that will soon experience bankruptcy? Something to consider for sure.

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Well, we at least know that it cannot be the 'vaccines'.

Bad time to be in life insurance. I'd argue it's a bad time to be in medicine too. Public health has been betrayed by the likes of Fauci and Co. Additionally, medical doctors have ignored the many signs that the 'vaccines' do not work, in fact after a short time have NEGATIVE efficiency, and also kill and make people sick.

Dr. Michael Yeadon argues that the evidence shows the Pharma companies knew what was going on. There are tons of valid reasons to believe so. He is very convincing. He was chief scientist and a VP at Pfizer, and left (I think) 11 years ago.

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I don't think you have this correct. If you compare the 2020 and 2021 annual statements, you should be looking at the Premiums (the amount of business sold) when comparing to the benefits paid.

In 2021, the Group premiums were $1.409B and death benefits were $1.445B, for a ratio of 102.6%

In 2020, the Group premiums were $666m and death benefits were $548m, for a ratio of 82.3%

That *IS* a big increase in the ratio in one year - huge, enormous - but it isn't a tripling.

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Were other life insurance companies getting out of the group life business and Lincoln didn't understand what was going on?

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Did Lincoln really double its accounts? How much of the premium revenue increase was due to increase of premiums of existing accounts?

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I'll take a look. Thanks.

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Jul 8, 2022·edited Jul 8, 2022

Does anyone know if this increased death rate is still going on. Or has it slowed? Are numbers available. I'm so terrified for everyone I know vaxxed and all the vaxxed for that matter.

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They appear to be dropping, but there's a lag of several months so it takes a few months to be able to really 'see' the full picture.

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Thanks Samantha. Do you have a link to that report by chance?

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Well, we at least know that it cannot be the 'vaccines'.

Bad time to be in life insurance. I'd argue it's a bad time to be in medicine too. Public health has been betrayed by the likes of Fauci and Co. Additionally, medical doctors have ignored the many signs that the 'vaccines' do not work, in fact after a short time have NEGATIVE efficiency, and also kill and make people sick.

Dr. Michael Yeadon argues that the evidence shows the Pharma companies knew what was going on. There are tons of valid reasons to believe so. He is very convincing. He was chief scientist and a VP at Pfizer, and left (I think) 11 years ago.

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022

There are approximately 3 million deaths each year in the United States. COVID has killed a million in the United States since 2020. Approximately 500,000 of these COVID deaths occurred in 2021. Shouldn't we expect to see an increased rate of deaths? I'm having a hard time understanding what you're seeing that's unexpected.

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The deaths are not due to Covid. The main causes are heart related, neurological, strokes and cancers. This is according to industry publication I saw several months ago.

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Did you notice in the bi-line, "non-pandemic-related morbidity". These are not Covid deaths. Covid deaths are down, excess mortality is way up. Six months ago, the CEO of One America Insurance reported a 40% increase in non-covid life insurance claims. That was across all insurance platforms at the time and never before in it's 145 year history. From the article which you read here https://www.thecentersquare.com/indiana/indiana-life-insurance-ceo-says-deaths-are-up-40-among-people-ages-18-64/article_71473b12-6b1e-11ec-8641-5b2c06725e2c.html “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.” Now it's a 163% rise so the problem has quadrupled.

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This is 18-64. Vast majority of COVID deaths are 65+. And 2020 would have been high too if COVID was the driver.

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They said these deaths weren’t related to COVID.

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how many were suicides, overdoses and health issues triggered by lockdowns? How many were thanks to vaccine's side effects? So, none of them are due to covid, but all are thanks to our response to it.

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Will you explore why the other major life insurance companies didn’t have as significant an increase in death benefits? It’s not an expected result. Is it possible that Lincoln National Life catered to industries that were more likely to strictly mandate vaccinations?

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Yeah, let's explain why one insurance company has a 40% increase and another insurance company has a 163% increase. Keep in mind that a 10% increase would be a 1 in 200 year CATASTROPHE. But yeah, instead of focusing on the reason for ANY increase, let's focus on the delta between the insurance companies. Reading your moronic comments here, you are undoubtedly part of the propaganda. PEOPLE ARE DYING BECAUSE THE 'DEATH JABS' DESTROYED THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM. My daughter being one of them you idiot.

I hope they pay you well. How much does it cost to sell out humanity?

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Please Joan, be respectful towards people doing a serious work and trying to help.

Judging so fast won't help anyone, not even you.

I did that myself, and worked on it with a thorough and very human psychotherapy process. Cheers!

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While you're doing "serious work" millions of people are dying. Suggesting psychotherapy because I am stating the obvious is just gaslighting. Save it.l

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I'll use this opportunity to identify myself. You can find me listed as a co-author on this important paper regarding early treatment for COVID-19. I'm author #7:


I'm very proud of the people with whom I'm associated on this important paper, including Drs. Peter McCullough, Harvey Risch and Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko. Dr. McCullough personally invited me to join this group.

I understand the basis for your comment. It may seem "moronic" to you that I wonder why there is such a disparity between insurance companies for these extraordinary increases in excess mortality, and I agree with you that the most likely culprit is the vaccine, but our critics will look at this disparity between insurance company reports as evidence that there is something very wrong in the way we are reviewing this data. I like to anticipate what our critics would likely say, and have well-considered answers ready for them. They won't be persuaded just because we type our responses using all capital letters.

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Joan, I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but Dr. Berkowitz is on the side of most of us here, which is trying to convince readers of powerfully strong evidence that the jabs are killing people. Some go about their fight in a more methodical, multi-dimensional statistical manner. He is not a moron, and if his comments come across as that, it might be due to not reading all of his comments. Nobody perfectly communicates in a single sentence or two.

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PS, I have an extensive review of the Society of Actuaries report here:


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I would like to read that, but it is a private page. Can you grant me access?

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Substack had a software problem where it would not let me publish that draft, they told me they were working on fixing the problem. It's been fixed, I was able to publish it. It now should be readable. Try https://postpandemicchanges.substack.com/p/review-of-the-group-life-covid-19

While there, check out the lead article for my Substack too, thanks! Hope you subscribe (it's free now). https://postpandemicchanges.substack.com/p/five-simple-dramatic-changes-for

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Very good review! I've subscribed. Your thoughts about the vaccines contributing significantly to excess mortality are aligned with mine, and it is good to see someone tackle this question head on. I'm going to share your post in my Locals community where I have a few followers who are interested in this topic.

I haven't yet read the lead article, but I'll comment there when I do.

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Robert, what is the link to your Locals page (we're talking about Locals on Rumble, right?).

What is the name of that Locals Page too. You might want to cross-reference such in your "About" page on your Robert's Newsletter. Thanks!

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I am active on the Locals channel belonging to Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist. I have been there since October 2020 trying to influence him on the value of early treatment in COVID-19. I talk about other subjects as well.

Here’s what I posted about your article:

This Substack author, Roleigh Martin, tackles the excess mortality question head on. He looks at the data provided by the Society of Actuaries, gathering data from a large number of insurance companies. It's apparent that the vaccines are not alone in causing excess mortality, because the first spike happens in November/December 2020 and the vaccines didn't roll out until December 14, 2020, but the excess mortality in 2021 far, far exceeds the excess mortality in 2020 that would be logically attributable to COVID-19. Naturally, the impact of lockdowns, financial distress, delayed medical care and substance abuse all play a role, but it is not easy to believe that they account for the vast increases in all-cause mortality that show up in greatest measure in the 3rd quarter of 2021. What say you @ScottAdamsSays?


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Feel free to quote me on Locals, just as long as I get the credit for the quote. Thanks! PS, plus reference them to my Substack too, please.

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The Society of Actuaries (SOA) report published January 2022 makes it very clear that deaths spike in 2021. See https://www.soa.org/resources/experience-studies/2022/group-life-covid-19-mortality/ -- there is a video there and a link to the entire PDF. An advance copy of the report was reviewed on Substack about a month ahead of the SOA Website having a link to it. The SOA publishes Mortality reports periodically. The Substack link is at https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/todd-callender-responds-to-steve?s=r

The January 2022 report was based upon mortality data reported, as I understand it, from data provided by these insurance companies:



Dearborn National


The Hartford

Lincoln Financial Group


Mutual of Omaha

New York Life Group Benefit Solutions


Principal Financial

Reliance Standard


Securian Financial Group

Standard Insurance Group

SunLife Financial Group





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I just listened the video on the Society of Actuaries page that you linked. The three discussants spoke about data from April 2020 to September 2021, but focused mostly on the 3rd quarter of 2021. There is an alarming increase in the number of death claims made, and it mostly affects the 25-64 year-old demographic, which is why excess mortality for life insurance data surprisingly exceeded excess mortality in the population (which naturally would expect to be skewed toward the more vulnerable above 65 population). Still, one of the discussants looked at the correlation between the level of vaccination and the life insurance claims data by region and found a NEGATIVE correlation (albeit only with an R value of 0.32-0.38, suggesting there is much more needed to explain the variance). In light of our discussion, that negative correlation was still a surprise to me. It is consistent with the vaccines offering some protection against severe disease with the delta variant, but the vaccines offer negative efficacy against omicron and pose their own independent risks. I suspect the next several quarters may clarify the role the vaccines are playing in these excess deaths, just as long as the actuaries are gifted with the wisdom to see it.

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I noticed the same thing, but that's talking about correlation, and in the midst of such, the data categorization is so bad, for instance, nobody is considered vaccinated unless they had both shots and 14 days has elapsed. I find that correlation highly irrelevant. The vital point that is real is the excess mortality in that age group during the time period of vaccinations. If the mRNA vaccines is not the hypothetical cause, then what is? If it was Covid-19, then why did we not see the spikes in 2020? Did you read my review at https://postpandemicchanges.substack.com/p/review-of-the-group-life-covid-19

The mystery to me I commented upon on page 10 of the SOA report, quote:


Notice the spike increases dramatically the last two months of 2020 and the 2021 levels are higher very predominantly than the other, earlier dates. The first rollout of Covid-19 Vaccines in the USA was December 14, 2020. So six weeks of the spike at the end of 2020 is not concurrent with any vaccines given."

There are other factors contributing to excess mortality going on, such as the negative effects of the lockdowns, masks, etc. And variants of Covid-19. We don't exactly have a clean laboratory experiment, with lots of controls going on. Worst of all is how the CDC categorized the data, calling the unvaccinated those who've taken 2 shots and it's only been 13 days since their second shot! That is so horrible in data collection. They obviously did not want good analyses being done doing that! That's why the all-cause mortality excess is perhaps the cleanest data we can work with.

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Aside from Covid driving the numbers, perhaps drugs may be playing apart

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Well, that means the price of life insurance is going up as well!

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