The war with Russia began today, with Ukraine’s first strike into Russian territory using American-made supersonic missiles — a shocking development coming just three days after news broke that the Biden administration had reversed course and approved Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s request to use the missiles on Russia.
Since the 1950s, Americans have been preparing for this day, and now, finally, it’s here, though as I wrote in my last post, this is not the free West confronting Communist Russia: It is the corrupt U.S. foreign policy establishment, now under the control of closeted Marxists, who are striking out at a Russia that is no longer Communist but is Christian.
It is their last-ditch effort to start World War III before Trump takes office.
One of my clearest memories of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign for president was of a press conference he held, and a particular question that was asked at that press conference.
Trump was asked if elected, what kind of a relationship would be expect to have with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In response, he didn’t say as former President George W. Bush had that he knew Putin’s heart.
But neither did he go the other way, either, with threatening language.
He played it down the middle, saying he thought he’d get along with Putin, and that maybe he wouldn’t, but that he thought they would have a good relationship.
It was so temperate, and so wise, I thought.
Maybe they wouldn’t have a good relationship. But he thought they would. He was optimistic, but not giving up a thing.
But almost as soon as he said it, the temperature in that room shifted. Something happened. I saw it.
I believe it was Jake Tapper whose face was closest to the camera. In his eyes was deep alarm.
Why would this be?
What had happened?
I couldn’t quite say. I didn’t know at the time. How could they react so bizarrely to such a benign comment?
Following Trump’s win in November of 2016, the Democrats lost their minds, with their friends at the FBI, and their friends in the media, spinning a wild story that Trump was a Russian asset.
What was going on?
What was it about Russia that was driving the Left’s descent into madness?
It’s become more clear to me as the years have gone on.
The Left was planning a war with Russia, and Trump’s election in 2016 interrupted this plan.
Unbeknownst to most Americans, the U.S. State Department and CIA had been developing and executing a long-range plan to go to war with Russia. The goal was to weaken Russia — to “break it,” in the words of Henry Kissinger — and then to overthrow the government led by Vladimir Putin, in order that the Left could regain control of this vast country and all of its resources.
Most of us think in terms of four-year elections. The Left thinks long-term. And this plan to recapture Russia for the Left, the Bolsheviks, the Marxists, the Neocons, the Deep State — you are welcome to call them what you like, for they are all the same — has been in the works for at least two decades, since shortly after Putin came to power in the year 2000 and began to eject the oligarchs who had gotten control of Russia’s natural resources and were plundering them.
The plan was to use Ukraine to get to Russia, to pull Ukraine — which the Left knew very well was the heart of Old Russia — out of Russia’s orbit, to turn it against Russia, and to use it as a staging ground to attack Russia.
It began with the Euromaidan in 2014 when the democratically elected leader of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, was forced from office in a U.S. State Department-supported violent revolution that involved black bloc protesters throwing Molotov cocktails at police officers, lighting them on fire. All the while, the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Victoria Nuland, praised the “peaceful protests.”
You can see all of this in the documentary “Ukrainian Agony: The Concealed War” produced by a German journalist.
It tells the story of the 2014 coup, in which one Ukrainian leader was forced out, and one who would be antagonistic toward Russia was installed — Petro Poroshenko.
The war in Ukraine began that year, when Poroshenko began shelling Russian-speakers in the Donbas.
They were two years in when Trump won in 2016, interrupting their plan.
Tarring him as a Russian asset was an effective means of pressuring Trump into imposing additional sanctions on Russia and preventing him from stopping the shipments of arms to Ukraine.
All the while, CIA agents and U.S. special forces were swarming Kiev and our U.S. military was being told by the Rand Corporation that U.S. policy was to “stress” Russia — to surround it, to poke at it, to sanction it, to provoke it.
But why? Because the Left lost control of it on December 26, 1991, when the Soviet Union was dissolved. They kept some control through some of the oligarchs until the early 2000s. But then Putin began to jail and expel the handful of oligarchs who, funded by the West, had shown up in Moscow to buy up and and plunder Russia’s natural gas, oil and other natural resources.
With Donald Trump coming back, having won every battleground state and the popular vote in addition to the Electoral College, the end is finally near for the Leftist plotters.
“We will return the world to peace,” Trump promised at a rally in September.
And I believe he will.
But for the next two months, the Left will do everything it can to push us into war.
From some people I hear worry of a labor shortage of people who clean houses, rather than concern that the outgoing administration is going to provoke the use of nukes. It's got normal people in Americal praying that Putin can hold off on dropping the big one long enough for the current regime to be pushed out of D.C. (District of Corruption) Sad!
Spot-on analysis. TPTB have openly acknowledged that one goal in aiding Ukraine is weakening Russia. However, it appears to me that Russian is doing just fine. They've ramped up production and gained valuable wartime experience. Meanwhile, we've blown through billions of borrowed dollars and have nothing to show for it but a puny, woke military and a bunch of fat, rich defense contractors and politicians. I pray that Trump and Putin can see this for what it is and head off a hot, head-to-head war. 🙏